Monday, May 13, 2013

Mommy thats your song!

So they had the primary children sing for Mother's Day during sacrament meeting.  I had been in primary with the kids as they were learning their Mother's Day songs, and to my surprise they did songs I had never heard of, and neither had my kids.  We worked on the songs through out the week.  Hazel was pretty upset that they weren't going to sing "Mother I Love You," as she remembers singing it in our last ward and we sing it a lot at home (yes, this is propaganda :) ). 

The kids eagerly went up to sing, Eliza really wanted to sing too, even though she is still in nursery, I let her go up holding Hazel's hand.  The kids did great singing the 2 songs I knew they were going to sing, then the music kept playing and Hazel's eyes lit up as she realized they were playing "Mother I Love You"

 She leaned around the pulpit and said loudly with a huge smile on her face, "Mommy!  It's your Song."

She sang out very nicely and I enjoyed the moment.

I thought for sure they would be done then, but they did one more song.  This time it was one I had never heard.  Hazel peeped around the corner again and said,  "This one must be your song Daddy!"

Everyone told me how darling my kids were, but then to bring me back down to earth, at the end of sacrament Hazel and Eliza got into a squabble and I heard Eliza shout, "I will never play with you Hazel!!!!"

She had to be removed from the meeting crying.


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