She's turning 2 in a week... and we can't imagine life without our little miss Lucy. We call her the queen these days. The older kids are able to see in the humor in her way of life, and how being queen cannot last forever.
We chuckle lovingly as we know a new sister will dethrone the current queen.
Despite her often demanding speeches, where she says the same thing over and over again, getting slightly louder each time, until she has everyone's attention :) she is very sweet and caring.
She notices when anyone is sad ad is quick to offer a hug.
You might hear her calling your name though out the house and you will see a huge smile on her face when she finds you. She will say "I was missing you" as you hugs you and pushes her way onto your lap.
Some of our favorite mispronunciations are
Garbage = boddage
Chocolate Milk = Cocko-nilk
Toothpaste = tootpaste (with the matching tootbrush of course)
Uckles = popsicles
At our house it is survival of the pickiest, and Lucy is no exception. She has a very limited palette. It includes:
noodles (with out any sauce)
chocolate milk (she won't touch ice cream, bread, or any form of meat)
Candy hearts
rainbow cheerios...
and dare I say... toothpaste when ever she can find it
She is definitely on board in the "Daddy is awesome" club and adores he time with Daddy. She is pretty good at getting what she wants from all of us, but especially Daddy. She is always asking me, "Where's Daddy!!!???" if she can't see him.
We bought candy hearts during Valentines and she still asks for the everyday, even though they are long gone. She is probably my child that remembers things that are not right in front of her the best.
We recently went to the dentist and she had 1 tiny cavity on the back of her front tooth. He fixed it in the office with no shots in less than 5 minutes. She screamed as we held her down, but her teethies are all fixed. She reminds me every night that the dentist fixed her teethies.
She is terrified of strangers coming into her space, especially the mail lady at Jared's office. She is getting braver and only cries if the mail lady says "Hi cutie!"
I also cut her bangs because she won't let me do anything with her hair and I missed her cute eyes hiding in her overgrown bangs. She was so upset at the thought that I would cut her hair, she looked at me intently with a frown and said, "Not my hair, it's so pretty"