Friday, March 20, 2015


So we learned today is a pretty special day.  Not only is it the Spring equinox, but it is also the day of a total solar eclipse (unfortunately not seen in the US), it is exactly halfway between all the blood moons of the tetrach, and a super moon(the moon will orbit as close to the earth as possible) tonight.  WOW!!!

With those historic facts out of the way, we are enjoying spring coming into our little corner of the world, picking daffodils, riding bikes, playing in the sandbox, and just watching the leaves come back.

We went on a family walk the other night and I was just laughing as I walked in the road for a small part of the journey.  Lucy came running over to me, I was worried she was making bee-line for the road, but I needn't have worried, as she was only coming to my rescue.  She said very seriously, "Mommy...NOT IN THE ROAD, come on, off the road on the walk."

Her consciousness is impressive.  She was watching me intently as I ate some strawberries the other day, not sure what she was getting at, because I know she does not like strawberries, I asked her, "Lucy, what do you want?"

She replied, "Chew it Mommy, not choke!"

Ah she loves me, so she keeps me safe!
Trust me when you are this cute, you need your beauty sleep

Kids treasures from the beach...

The new captain safety!


Oh, I caught one!


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