Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Short is definately sweet

After battling the beautiful long hair syndrome Sunday morning for too many years now, we have created Princess No Knots!  In a fit of frustration I asked  Hazel "Don't you want to keep your beautiful long hair?  We have to comb it or cut it!."  She looked defiantly at me and said, "CUT IT!"  So I did.  It is a little choppy, but WE LOVE IT!

No screaming, no crying, no yanking at knots, no trying to put her hair back when she screams how much she wants to wear it down, and no being embarrassed to go out in public with messy hair.

Miriam will soon follow, but her hair is so thick I was nervous to do it myself...

Short is sweet for both of us, and Miriam has declared it is "beautiful and so silky!"
So bobs are in for these smith girls, who knows maybe even mommy!


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