Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Diplomacy? Manipulation?

I was listening to Hazel and Eliza play outside today.  Eliza found her favorite stuffed penguin that had been missing for a time.  She happily hugged it and squealed, my penguin!

Hazel began to get jealous of the fun Eliza was having with her penguin.  I watched her, curious to see what she would do, in the past she has thrown a fit, or even gotten mildly violent, but not today.  She approached Eliza smiling, holding a matching car to hers and said, "Eliza here's your car-y, now you can drop your penguin and just forget about it.  Ok, now drop it, and play cars with me!"

With that Hazel gently pushed penguin to the ground and ran off with E Liza to play cars.


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